Is Your Retirement Plan Complete?

How Do You Know If Your Plan is Complete?

ask the right questions.

Have you minimized all the RISKS in your retirement plan?

Is Sequence of Return an integral piece of your strategy?

How hard does your money have to work throughout retirement?

How will unforeseen changes in monthly income and assets affect your quality of living?

Is your Investment Portfolio proactively managed to minimize market volatility while positioned for growth?

Are you well positioned to take care of rising healthcare costs?

Have You...

Ask enough of the right questions and you will find your answers.

And most questions usually start with Risk.  The “What Ifs” that life undoubtedly comes our way.  So, what have you done to minimize your Risks to your financial and retirement plan? 

  • Minimized Stock Market Volatility without compromising investment appreciation?
  • Maximized and secured perpetuating income that will survive the ravages of rising inflation, taxes, and fees?
  • Implemented income strategies to mitigate and possibly reduce future tax on earnings throughout your retirement?
  • Coordinated alternative plans in your retirement plan against adverse Legislative Policies that change with every election cycle?
  • Installed Global Risk mitigation tactics in your diversification process to protect both your assets and monthly income?

We take a comprehensive approach in completing your retirement plan.  Investments, Tax Strategies, Income Planning, Life and Healthcare protection, and Estate Planning, we will ensure you have all the right pieces in place for a worry-free retirement.

We offer a no obligation, confidential conversation to help you in every way we can to get you on the right path going forward.

How Can We Help?

Investment Management

We'll help create the right mix of investments, annuities, and banking instruments to put you in the best possible portfolio to obtain your financial objectives

Financial Planning

The most important things you can do for your retirement is to write out a plan for when things go as planned and when things don't. We will help put it all together.


Let's find out where you are, what decisions were made and discuss any needed changes. A second opinion is usually the best course of action for any written plan.

Financial Lifetime Phases

As we progress through life, we accumulate and distribute wealth according to our vision.  We work together to find out what’s most important to you about your family’s legacy.


For 60 years you Work, Pay Bills, and
Save for Retirement.


Harvesting is the unique transition of your assets
working hard for you, instead of the other way around.

Family Legacy

Family Traditions and a lifetime of generational lessons
guide your future family down a path of success.

Working Together

With so much on the line, you don’t have to go it alone. 
Let us partner
with you and your family.

Hover/click on each image to walk through the Financial Lifetime Phases.

Four Pillars to a Solid Financial Foundation

We create a comprehensive financial plan that ensures all 4 pillars of your finances are working together efficiently, maximizing growth potential while minimizing risks, fees and taxes.

Growth of Investments

Asset allocation, diversifying stocks and combining tactical investment strategies are just a portion of a written portfolio management plan.

Allocation of Investments

Discovering the right mix of Stocks, Bonds and Income is just the beginning.  A written Investment Policy Statement helps guide you through the good times and the not so good times.

Let's Talk

Safe Liquidable Assets

Readily available, liquid assets that goes beyond checking and savings.

Safe Money

This isn't simply your savings account but rather assets that accumulate at a higher rate of return that could include CD's, Ultra-Short Term Bonds, MYGA's and Short Maturity Alternative Investments.  These should be assets that do not charge fees, commissions or penalties to liquidate.

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Financial Foundation

Any foundation must have a balance in their income, expenses, assets and debts.  Savings and investments working together to ensure there's enough resources for intended and unforeseen expenses.  Let us help you put together in building your family legacy.

Building Your Legacy

It's not enough to build your financial foundation, but you must ensure resources are protected from fees, inflation, taxes and any situations life may throw at you.

Let's Talk

Protecting Assets

It's not only how much you make but how much you keep.  Protecting your resources from loss is one of the most important decisions in creating a solid financial future.

Protect, Protect, Protect

You must protect your resources from fees, taxes, inflation, loss and unforeseen circumstances.  It only takes a small crack to make a huge difference.  Let us analyze to make sure everything is covered for a stress-free retirement.

Let's Talk

OakGrove Can Help.

Reach out to see what we can do for you!